Pakistan Stream Gas Pipeline Project (PSGP)

Ministry of Energy Petroleum Division in 2014 planned to undertake the laying of Gas Pipeline Project to meet supply demand gap in the northern regions of the country. Consequently, Government of Pakistan and the Russian Federation entered into G-to-G Agreement (IGA) for cooperation and development of the Project.

Pipeline Capacity: 1.6 BCFD

Pipeline Dia: 56-Inch (Proposed)

Proposed Route: Karachi – Lahore

Pipeline Length: 1100 KM

  • An Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) was signed on October 2015 between the Russian Federation and Pakistan for development of the Project.
  • The Protocol on the amendments to the IGA was signed in Moscow on May, 2021.
  • Heads of Terms (HOTs) of Shareholders Agreement (SHA) was signed on July 2021 by the Parties.
  • Shareholders Agreement and Facilitation agreement and Memorandum and article of Association of Project Company are under finalization.
  • Technical Parameters finalized.
  • Pipeline route approved by the authorities.
  • Transmission License issued by Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) for implementation of Project.
  • Route Survey for Nawabshah to Kasur segment completed.
  • Environmental NOCs were granted by Punjab & Sindh Environmental Protection Authorities for Nawabshah to Kasur segment.
