The ISGS Code of Conduct focuses on professional, legal, ethical and social behaviors and is applicable to all executives as individuals and as part of the Company in their social or work life, providing guidance on how to act in cases of doubt or confusion.

Compliance with this Code is a mandatory obligation owed by all executives to each other and to ISGS. Breach of this Code or any requirements mentioned in these Rules will result in disciplinary action and may lead up to and including summarily dismissal or other appropriate disciplinary actions.

The objective of the policy is for the employee to confirm with formally established rules and regulations that govern the operations of the company. Grievance relates to the dissatisfaction of executives regarding on any workplace related issue or matter that they may feel is unfair to them (whether the executive is right or wrong) or any perceived or real violation of the terms of contract.

Unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that interferes with work, is made a condition of employment or create an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment constitute sexual harassment.

ISGS maintains a working environment free from the harmful effects of alcohol and drugs. ISGS reserves sole right to conduct a drug test of any executive suspected of using violation of this policy.

ISGS policy requires that each executive be free of any actual or potential personal interest that could influence his or her judgment or action in the conduct of organizational business or affect his or her responsibility and commitment to ISGS. An executive must not only avoid situations that give rise or could give rise to a conflict of interest, but also situations that create the appearance or semblance of a conflict of interest.

ISGS maintains working environment free from the harmful effects of alcohol and drugs. In recognition of the serious consequences to ISGS, all its executives are subject to the following:

Any executive who unlawfully manufactures, distributes, dispenses, possesses, uses or is impaired by a controlled substance or who manufactures, distributes, dispenses, possesses, uses or is impaired by alcohol on the job, whether on or off ISGS property, will be subject to discipline, up to and including immediate termination. Strict compliance with this policy is a condition of employment.

All executives, as a condition of employment, are required to notify HR or HOD of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation involving a controlled substance, as per laws of Pakistan, occurring on the job no later than five (5) days after such conviction. ISGS intends to vigorously enforce this Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy. ISGS reserves sole right to conduct a drug test of any executive suspected of using violation of this policy.

ISGS policy requires that each executive be free of any personal interest that could influence his or her judgment or action in the conduct of organizational business or affect his or her responsibility to ISGS. An executive must not only avoid situations that give rise or could give rise to a conflict of interest, but also situations that create the appearance of a conflict of interest.

This policy is not intended to detail every situation that could give rise to a conflict of interest. A person with ordinary good judgment should know whether or not a particular activity involves an actual or potential conflict. Where there is a doubt, the matter should be brought to the attention of the HR/OD Department who will take action as appropriate.

No executive may serve as a director, officer, executive, partner, consultant, agent or representative of an organization not affiliated with ISGS if the potential for a conflict of interest exists.

Information (e.g. future business plans, competitive bids, sponsorships, executive lists etc.) obtained as a result of employment that is not generally available to the public, may not be communicated to any individual(s) or organizations outside ISGS till two years after retirement from the services of ISGS. For this purpose, executives of ISGS are required to sign Declaration of Commitment (please refer to Annex: HRF 036).

A conflict of interest may also exist when an executive, without the knowledge and consent of the ISGS Management, appropriates to himself or herself, or to another person or organization, the benefit of an arrangement of a business venture, opportunity, or potential that the executive learns about or develops in the course of employment and that is related to any current or prospective undertaking of ISGS.

This Whistle blowing is the act of an executive, who exposes information or activity within the organization that is deemed illegal, illicit, unsafe, or a waste, fraud, or abuse of taxpayer funds.

ISGS whistle blowing policy provides an internal procedure to resolve work- related issues fairly. The work problems may be related to situations where executive feel that established Organizational policies and practices have been violated or have not been consistently applied, or to other matters of serious concern to executives. This whistleblowing policy is only exercisable when it is established that grievance policy is not appropriate to follow.

This policy is an extension of the Conflict of Interest policy defines ISGS’s policy on the avoidance of bribery and corruption. It has the endorsement of the ISGS BODs and will be regularly reviewed by the BODs to ensure that it reflects changes, if any, in applicable laws and developments in acceptable standards for the conduct of business. ISGS is committed to maintaining the highest principles of ethical standards and vigorously enforces the integrity of its business practices wherever it operates. ISGS does not and will not engage in bribery or corruption in any form or matter.